Q and A about Ar-Ruqiya & Ar-Ruqaa

Ash-Sheikh Rabee bin Hadee Al-Madkhalee responds to questions about Ar-Ruqiya and Ar-Ruqaa.
Ahlu Al-Bida criticize The Scholars

Ash-Sheikh Rabee bin Hadee Al-Madkhalee writes about how the people of innovation unjustly criticize the scholars of Ahl As-Sunnah.

Ash-Sheikh Rabee bin Hadee Al-Madkhalee writes about how giving advice is a shared responsiblity.
Ar-Radd Al-Mufhim

Rabee bin Hadee Al-Madkhale refutes those who attacked and criticized the Saheeh of Al-Imam Muslim.
Izhaaq Abaateel

Izhaaq Abaatel Abdul Lateef Al-Bashaamel, written by Rabee bin Hadee Al-Madkhalee is a refutation of Abdul Lateef Al-Bashaamel.
Sal As-Suyuuf

Ash-Sheikh Abdullah Ath-Thufayree clarifies various aspects of the prophetic tradition and the reality of those deviant groups who claim it, but are free from it. This work includes an introduction from Rabee bin Hadee Al-Madkhalee.
The Scholars of Jarh & Tadeel

Rabee bin Hadee Al-Madkhalee explains how the scholars of Al-Jarh and At-Ta'deel are the protectors of the religion from the plots and plans of the innovators and the Kufaar.
Defending Ash-Sheikh Rabee'

Ash-Sheikh Badr bin Ali bin Thamee Al-Utaybee writes in defense of Al-Allaamah Rabee' bin Hadee Al-Madkhalee, clarifying his creed, manhaj, and tremendous efforts in clarifying the deviance of Sayyid Qutb and others.
The Position of the Two Imams from the Sufiya

Rabee bin Hadee Al-Madkhalee writes about the position of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Qayyim from As-Sufiya.
Explanation of the Hadeeth of ibn Abbaas (Rabee)

Shaykh Dr. Rabee explains the hadeeth of ibn Abbaas, "Preserve Allah's religion and He will preserve you"